Elsewhere on the home front, Dream Internship has failed to call me back, leaving me in a pseudo-disgruntled state (it's hard to be too mad when you're graduating and already have next year lined up). Still, it'd be nice to hear something from them, even if it's a "we need more time" kinda deal.
I was pointed towards this bit of info. Looks like UVA (yes, it's UVA, for those of you who didn't decide to try and use my picture hint--and don't think I'm totally delusional, "those of you" is probably just me about 2 or so years from now when I look back and remember that blog that I never really got into) is getting even more attention from applicants as time goes by. It's not surprising in this economy (that infamous phrase), as everyone scrambles to figure out what the heck they're going to do with their degrees. Even at Wharton, times are tough, and the $80K median salary that the I-Banking kids were looking forward to is a lot harder to come by nowadays. Heaven forbid you did something unproductive (aka "Not Soul Sucking"), like Marketing or something.
Which is, of course, why I'm going to law school. ;) That and to forward my plan of world domination. You laugh, but one day this blog will be required reading for approval for Global Citizenship. Count yourself lucky for getting ahead.
Today's funny video award goes to the below video, which was selected in a contest held by AboveTheLaw.com for their annual Law Revue video contest. I personally think it's very funny:
Oh, and lastly, I'm very excited, despite Dream Internship not calling me back I'm getting THIS tomorrow!
I may have spent the past few days staring at reviews and specifications, and that may indicate that I'm a nerd. But. I. Don't. Care.
This. Phone. Is. *sigh* okay, I'm pained because if I accurately describe it that'll simply mean that I've used the same pun that every other reviewer, blogger, or schmuck with an internet has made. But let's be honest: It's Incredible.
Alrighty. Enough for now.